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NPI Circuits Success Story

NPI Circuits Success Story

The following is based on a true story.

We recently had a customer who was looking at switching their voice and data connectivity (circuits).  Their requirements were that they wanted to save money, have redundant voice and data and better customer experience.  Their goal was to cut 20% in all areas of business.

They were paying $2250 a month for their voice and data with their current carrier and had no redundancy.  They experienced an outage and that was not acceptable to the owner, as the Internet is critical to their business.

We were competing with carriers and NPI came out on top.  We first met with the customer and found out what was important to the new CFO and the IT manager.  We listened and then configured a solution that would satisfy all the customer’s requirements and needs.

One of the carriers that we competed with came back at $1150 a month for basically the same thing that they currently had in place.   This satisfied the saving money, but not the redundancy, but they tried to tell the customer that it did.  This carrier rep was selling them two bonded T-1’s.  The problem is that if the lines got cut, the customer’s service would be down for both voice and data.

As telecom consultants/brokers, we are able to go out and engage with the carriers to make sure that we were getting the right solution and the best value for our clients.  In this case we were able to meet the requirements, needs and save the customer $1100.00 a month.  We provided them with two different transports (delivery methods for voice and data services), which were bonded T-1’s and a wireless solution.

With the NPI solution, the customer now has redundancy/failover.  If the T-1’s are taken out by a truck hitting a pole, the voice and data will be on the wireless device and if the wireless goes down, it fails over to the T-1’s.

Last but not least, customer experience, if the customer has any issues with their new service, they call NPI.  We will then open a ticket with the carrier or send an engineer out to diagnose if need be until the issue is resolved.  We will also take care of billing concerns as well.

At the end of the day, we solved a problem that just one carrier could not.  We gave the customer redundancy for both voice and data, saved them $1100.00 or 50% and will provide the customer experience they wanted.

Please give NPI a call and let us see what we can do for you.